Restoration of Love River (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Kaohsiung City is the second-largest city in Taiwan. It has the 3rd-largest container port behind Hong Kong and Singapore, playing a role as the ocean entrance of Taiwan. It is a lagoon city representing Taiwan, which has been developed from the center of the waterfront to the periphery with the concept of “sea city” or “waterside castle city.”
In the past, people turned their backs on “Love River,” which flows through Kaohsiung, due to water pollution and the bad smell. But in about 1985, a water contamination countermeasure plan was drawn up. Since then, water quality improvement projects including sewer work have been conducted. Today, there are walking trails provided along the water, roadside trees planted along the water, and pleasure ships operated. It is the symbol of regeneration of Kaohsiung.
>>More details, “Workshop on Urban River Restoration, Love River in Kaohsiung, Taiwan”
By JRRN-secre | Category: Restoration Project,Taiwan | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.01.05 16:04