Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN)

The Asian River Restoration Network was established in Nov. 2006 to support the exchange of information relating to environmental restoration of rivers and watersheds. JRRN has a role of ARRN secretariat currently.

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Contact us (Secretariat)

Lofty Chuoh Bldg., 7th Flr.

17-24, Shinkawa 1cho-me, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, JAPAN

Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
Tel: +81-3-6228-3860
Fax: +81-3-3523-0640


< World's WATERFRONT: JAPAN Entry Archive >

Restoration of Utonai Lake and Bibi River (Hokkaido)

Utonai Lake located near the confluence of Bibi River and Yufutsu River was registered under the Ramsar Convention in 1991. On the periphery of the lake, a rich natural environment including wildernesses and wetlands has formed. It is also a treasury of animals and plants and a wild paradise to which migrant birds such as swans arrive in flocks.
However, the valuable natural environment and the ecosystem is vanishing due to the land development around the basin, causing a reduction of the volume of the spring in Bibi River, dryness of the marginal environment, outflow of soil, water quality deterioration, a decrease of the wetland area, vegetation change, etc.
Today, a natural regeneration project is being conducted to restore the state of Bibi River and Utonai Lake seen in the 1960s and 70s based on four pillars: recovery of the volume of the spring in Bibi River, improvement of the spring quality, recovery of the current speed and river channel and recovery of the wetland environment around Utonai Lake.


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