Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN)

The Asian River Restoration Network was established in Nov. 2006 to support the exchange of information relating to environmental restoration of rivers and watersheds. JRRN has a role of ARRN secretariat currently.

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Contact us (Secretariat)

Lofty Chuoh Bldg., 7th Flr.

17-24, Shinkawa 1cho-me, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, JAPAN

Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
Tel: +81-3-6228-3860
Fax: +81-3-3523-0640


< World's WATERFRONT: JAPAN Entry Archive >

Restoration of Kasumigaura Lake (Ibaraki Prefecture)

The lakeside area behind Kasumigaura Bay used to have a diverse natural environment including wetlands and vegetation zones. Today, however, the natural environment around the lakeside and the biodiversity of the inhabitants have been greatly damaged.
In particular, because the population of nymphoides peltata, an endangered plant species, has rapidly diminished, urgent maintenance measures for the Kasumigaura lakeside vegetation zone have been taken to conserve and regenerate the vegetation zone in cooperation with NGO organizations closely connected with the local communities since 1996.
Also, a natural restoration project is being conducted in the Tamura, Okijuku and Tozaki districts located on the middle lakeside of Kasumigaura (Nishiura) to conserve and regenerate the lakeside zone that forms a connection point between the back hill and the lake, where a huge variety of animals and plants can grow and live.


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