Restoration of Otaru Canal (Otaru City, Hokkaido)
Current condition(Photo by Michiya Tannai, Aug. 2009)
Otaru Canal was completed in 1923 as a port facility. As it was constructed by reclaiming offshore other than by digging inland, it is characterized by a gently-curved shape in a fan-like form other than a straight-line shape. It played the important role of loading and unloading cargoes between ships berthed in the port and warehouses. However, in postwar days, the mission was ended because the pier of the port was constructed.
In 1986, after the controversy as to whether to reclaim it or not over ten-odd years, part of it was reclaimed, half of the canal in width was changed into a road and walkways and parks were constructed. In this way Otaru Canal was regenerated into the present form. In the walkways, 63 gas lamps were built and the stone warehouses along the canal were conserved as they were. At nightfall gas lamps are lit and the stone warehouses are lit up and an atmosphere different from that in the daytime can be seen.
By JRRN-secre | Category: History and traditional restoration,Hokkaido | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.09.10 18:42