The Asian River Restoration Network was established in Nov. 2006 to support the exchange of information relating to environmental restoration of rivers and watersheds. JRRN has a role of ARRN secretariat currently.
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< News and Events Category: JRRN's International Exchange >
On March 16-17, 2015, a delegation of Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) came to Japan, and had an exchange with JRRN on river restoration projects. The delegation also visited rivers in Tokyo and Yokohama to learn river restoration experiences in Japan, and JRRN supported their coordination.
>>Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT)
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2015.03.19 12:51
Three JRRN secretariat members incl. Dr. Nobuyuki Tsuchiya of JRRN chairperson visited the Netherlands and had a technical exchange with Deltares on 10 December 2014.
>>Deltares website
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Date: 2014.12.11 10:24
Exchange with Tokyo Metropolitan Government (28 Feb. 2013)
Exchange with Tokyo Metropolitan Government (28 Feb. 2013)
Exchange with Saitama Prefectural Government (1 Mar. 2013)
Exchange with Urban Renaissance Agency (1 Mar. 2013)
Official delegation from Drainage Services Department of Hong Kong visited Japan and Korea to learn our experiences on river/waterfront restoration incl. technical exchange with government agencies in both countries, and JRRN/KRRN supported this delegation.
In Japan, Hong Kong delegation visited Old-Naka river, Onagi River and Sumida River in Tokyo, and Oootoshi-furutone River, Koshigaya Lake Town in Saitama Pref., and they exchanged with the following government organizations/agency on 28 Feb. and 1st Mar.
-River Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
-Flood Control Office, Saitama Prefectural Government
-Urban Renaissance Agency
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2013.03.05 14:52
On December 13, 2012, a delegation of Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID) Malaysia (about 25 members) came to Japan, and had an exchange with JRRN on river restoration projects and partnership approaches. The delegation also visited government organizations to learn river restoration experiences in Japan, and JRRN supported their coordination.
- Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID) Malaysia
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Date: 2012.12.20 20:25
Site visit around Sumida River
Japan International Cooperation Agency, CITYNET and Yokohama city held the leadership training program “Community Based Adaptation and Resilience Against Disasters Study Visit” for Iloilo City, Philippines, and JRRN secretariat provided a lecture and technical site visit on Japan’s river restoration cases in the training on 27 November 2012.
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.12 20:22
Presentation by Dr. Kawasaki
Invited lecturers and organizers
“Malaysia National River Forum 2012” subtitled “Sustainable River Management” was held at Putrjaya in Malaysia on 6th September 2012, and Dr. Hideaki Kawasaki (Principal Engineer of Japan Dam Engineering Center, JRRN member) presented river restoration experiences in Japan titled “Local Citizens Participation in River Restoration - Japan”. JRRN secretariat member also took part in the forum and exchanged with river restoration experts in Malaysia and invited foreign lecturers.
- Program of “Malaysia National River Forum 2012”
- Presentation material from Japan (PDF 2.7MB)
- Dr. Hideaki Kawasaki’s interview (Free Malaysia Today News 20 Sep. 2012)
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.09.12 19:53
Speech of the President Benigno S. Aquino III
“1st Philippine International River Summit” was held at Iloilo city in Philippine from 30th May to 1st June, and JRRN secretariat member took part in the summit.
- Website of “1st Philippine International River Summit”
- JRRN’s Report on 1st Philippine International River Summit (Japanese version only: PDF 4.1MB)
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.06.04 19:32
On March 9 (Fri.), 2012, researchers belonging to the Future Resource Institute, a Korean private think tank specialized in water-resource policies, came to Japan, and had an exchange of views on efforts for river restoration policies and lows with the JRRN Secretariat.
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.03.09 20:19
at Tsurumi River Basin Center
Technical mission of Kaohsiung City Government TAIWAN visited Tsurumi River Basin Center in Yokohama on 8 March 2012 to learn experience and lessons in Tsurumi River’s integrated river management, and JRRN supported their technical exchange with officials of the Keihin office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.03.08 20:14
Exchange with local group
Foreign lecturers attended the ARRN International Forum 2011, and relevant personnel of ARRN visited the Kurome River in Asaka City, Saitama Prefecture. They participated in an exchange event held by the Asaka Land Development Office in Saitama Prefecture which is responsible for river management, and the “Kurome River Working Group” which promotes river environment improvement in the Kurome River. Through this event, participants were able to observe actual river development balancing flood control and environmental preservation, and to learn about specific efforts for collaboration between citizens and administration. They also had a lively exchange of views mainly on topics like river restoration technology and consensus building.
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2011.11.22 20:11
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