Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN)

The Asian River Restoration Network was established in Nov. 2006 to support the exchange of information relating to environmental restoration of rivers and watersheds. JRRN has a role of ARRN secretariat currently.

Go to ARRN website

Contact us (Secretariat)

Lofty Chuoh Bldg., 7th Flr.

17-24, Shinkawa 1cho-me, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, JAPAN

Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
Tel: +81-3-6228-3860
Fax: +81-3-3523-0640


< NEWS and EVENTS Daily Archive >

ARRN and ECRR have agreed an International Memorandum of Understanding for further cooperation. (October 29, 2014)

Signature ceremony (Left: Prof. Zhiping Liu, ARRN Chairperson /Right: Dr. Bart Fokkens, ECRR Chairperson)
IMOU between ARRN and ECRR (PDF780KB)

Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) and European Center for River Restoration (ECRR) have agreed an International Memorandum of Understanding to establish long-term collaboration in fields which are compatible with the orientation of each network, and which are relevant to the technical, scientific and social interests and needs of the areas in which the networks are respectively located.

-> IMOU between ARRN and ECRR (PDF780KB)

ECRR and ARRN Technical Exchange Meeting / 11th ARRN’s International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was held in Vienna, Austria (October 29, 2014)




The 11th ARRN’s International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was successfully held in Vienna, Austria on 29th Oct. 2014 as the ECRR and ARRN Technical Exchange Meeting.

29 October 2014 (Wednesday)
TechGate in Vienna
Dr. Bart Fokkens, Chairperson of ECRR
European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) / Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN)

-Opening: 17:30 Opening Ceremony

-Lecture 1: 17:30-18:15

(1) CRRN report: Research on ecological flow of Nanxi River based on ecological conservation objective (Dr. Tong Chang , Beijing Runheng Ecological environment improvement Co.)

(2) KRRN report: Major activities and Research on River Restoration of KRRN (Dr. Jang Suk-Hwan , Daejin Univ.)

(3) JRRN report: River Restoration in Japan and role of Japan River Restoration Network (Dr. Nobuyuki Tsuchiya & Mr. Sho Onodera , Japan Riverfront Research Center)

-Lecture 2: 18:15-18:55

4) ECRR report: European Centre for River Restoration (Mr. Bart Fokkens, European Centre for River Restoration)

(5) IRF report: International River Foundation
(Mr. Nick Schofield & Mr. Philip Weller, International River Foundation)

-Discussion: 18:55-19:25 Future cooperation between ECRR and ARRN

-Closing: 19:25-19:30 MOU signature ceremony & Group Photo

Leaflet (PDF33KB):

Past ARRN forum reports:

9th ARRN Governing Council (October 27, 2014, Vienna AUSTRIA)

9th GCM Meeting

On October 27 (Mon.), 2014, the “Ninth Governing Council Meeting” of the Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) was held in Vienna AUSTRIA.

Following Prof. Zhiping Liu (ARRN Chairperson)’s greetings, ARRN and each RRN’s 2014 activities in China, Korea and Japan were reported.

- CRRN’s report (PDF 880KB)
- KRRN’ s report (PDF 695KB)
- JRRN’ s report (PDF 226KB)

In the discussion and decision, ARRN’s future activities of the next one year, such as a side event in the 7th World Water Forum in Korea, further technical exchange with ECRR, and further expansion of the ARRN member were discussed.

In this meeting, it was decided that the ARRN secretariat would be transferred from CRRN (China) to KRRN (Korea) in next April based on the ARRN charter.

9th GCM Agenda(PDF 33kb)

9th GCM Member List(PDF 24kb)

Past GCM reports