The Asian River Restoration Network was established in Nov. 2006 to support the exchange of information relating to environmental restoration of rivers and watersheds. JRRN has a role of ARRN secretariat currently.
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< 2012.12:NEWS and EVENTS Monthly Archive >
On December 13, 2012, a delegation of Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID) Malaysia (about 25 members) came to Japan, and had an exchange with JRRN on river restoration projects and partnership approaches. The delegation also visited government organizations to learn river restoration experiences in Japan, and JRRN supported their coordination.
- Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID) Malaysia
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.20 20:25
Site visit around Sumida River
Japan International Cooperation Agency, CITYNET and Yokohama city held the leadership training program “Community Based Adaptation and Resilience Against Disasters Study Visit” for Iloilo City, Philippines, and JRRN secretariat provided a lecture and technical site visit on Japan’s river restoration cases in the training on 27 November 2012.
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.12 20:22
Lecture by Dr. Jenny Mant
Lecture by Dr. Sayuri Megumi
Panel discussion chaired by Dr. Naoki Shirakawa
The JRRN/ARRN/RFC’s symposium titled " How to see and examine river environment by local citizens: learning from PRAGMO" was successfully held in Tokyo on 1st December 2012.
Date/Time: 1 December 2012 (Saturday) 13:30 – 17:00
Venue: Hatsumei Kaikan (Tokyo, Japan)
Organizer: JRRN / ARRN / RFC
13:30-13:40 Opening address (Dr. Junzo Sago, JRRN Secretary General)
Lecture 1 Dr. Jenny Mant (the River Restoration Centre, UK)
Concept and application of the River Restoration Centre’s Practical Guidance to Monitoring PRAGMO
Lecture 2 Dr. Sayuri Megumi (Arakawa River Basin Network, Japan)
River Restoration at Arakawa River
Panel discussion
Chair: Prof. Naoki Shirakawa (Tsukuba Univ. / ARRN technical committee)
Panelist: Dr. Jenny Mant, Dr. Sayuri Megumi, Mr. Shouzou Yamamich, Mr. Masato Fjii
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN & ARRN's Event Report | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.12 14:24
Opening speech (Dr. Wenxue CHEN, ARRN Secretary General)
Lecturer (Prof. Zhaoyin WANG, Tsinghua Univ.)
The 9th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration titled " Comprehensive Treatment and Intergrated Management of Urban Watersheds" was successfully held in Beijing CHINA on 24th Nov. 2012.
Date/Time: 24 November 2012 (Saturday) 14:00 – 17:00
Venue: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (Beijing, CHINA)
Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network / China River Restoration Network
14:00-14:05 Opening address (Dr. Wenxue CHEN, ARRN Secretary General)
Lecture1 Prof. Zhaoyin WANG (Tsinghua University, CHINA)
Problems and researches on eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation
Lecture2 Mr. Masafumi Ito (JRRN secretariat, Japan Riverfront Research Center, JAPAN)
Urban River Management in Japan
Break: 15:15-15:30
Lecture3 Dr. Jin Cheol JOO (Korea Institute of Construction Technology, KOREA)
Integrated Urban Water Cycle Management System in Korea
Lecture4 Chengdong Zhu (Beijing Institute of Water, CHINA)
Yongding River Restoration, Design concepts & techniques
Lecture5 Prof. Suk Hwan Jang (Daejin University, KOREA)
Hydraulic Analysis of Artificial Lake in Urban Area CHEONGRA
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN & ARRN's Event Report | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.07 20:53
Transfer ceremony of ARRN secretariat
On November 24 (Sat.), 2012, the “Seventh Governing Council Meeting” of the Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) was held in Beijing CHINA.
At the beginning of the meeting, ARRN and each RRN activities in China, Korea and Japan for the past one year were reported.
Next, new ARRN chairperson and new ARRN secretary general was elected and appointed respectively. The transfer ceremony of the ARRN secretariat from JRRN to CRRN was also performed successively.
In the discussion and decision, ARRN’s organization structure for the further expansion including charter revision and “ARRN action plan 2013” were discussed.
→Member List(PDF 28kb)
→Past GCM reports
By JRRN-secre | Category: News from JRRN secretariat | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.12.07 20:52