Presentation by Dr. Kawasaki
Invited lecturers and organizers
“Malaysia National River Forum 2012” subtitled “Sustainable River Management” was held at Putrjaya in Malaysia on 6th September 2012, and Dr. Hideaki Kawasaki (Principal Engineer of Japan Dam Engineering Center, JRRN member) presented river restoration experiences in Japan titled “Local Citizens Participation in River Restoration - Japan”. JRRN secretariat member also took part in the forum and exchanged with river restoration experts in Malaysia and invited foreign lecturers.
- Program of “Malaysia National River Forum 2012”
- Presentation material from Japan (PDF 2.7MB)
- Dr. Hideaki Kawasaki’s interview (Free Malaysia Today News 20 Sep. 2012)
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2012.09.12 19:53