Participation in the 13th International Riversymposium (Oct.11-14, 2010, Perth, Australia)
Opening |
Reception |
The 13th International Riversymposium was held in Perth, Australia, from 11th to 14th of October 2010.
The JRRN Secretariat presented a paper entitled “Development of the Asian River Restoration Network for Knowledge Sharing” in the section called “Moving water through cities”, and mingled with river restoration organizations such as the Australian River Restoration Centre (ARRC).
→Presentation material(PDF 1.2MB)
→Participation Report(PDF 3.9MB) Language: Japanese only available
By JRRN-secre | Category: JRRN's International Exchange | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.10.22 15:15