The 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was held. (30 November 2007)
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The 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
On November 30, 2007, the ARRN-sponsored 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was held with a number of people attended. In the 4th Forum which focused on urban development and waterfront restoration, key note lecture was presented with the topic of restoration of Sumida River, followed by presentations introducing river restoration examples in Korea, China, Thailand and UK. In the general discussion held later, various opinions were exchanged over the subject of Urban River Restoration for Sustainable Development.
■Date/Time: November 30th 2007 13:00 – 17:00
■Venue: Zenkoku Toshi Kaikan (2F), Tokyo, JAPAN
■Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)
13:00~13:05 Opening address
Dr. Koutarou Takemura, President, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
13:05~13:10 Guest address
Mr. Akimasa Nakajima, Chief, River Environment Division, River Bureau, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transportation, Japan
(Keynote address)
13:10~13:40 River Rehabilitation with a focus on the Sumida River
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(Case Study)
13:40~14:10 Case Study 1: River Restoration Projects in Korea
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
14:10~14:40 Case Study 2: The Eco-hydrological Studies on The “ Four Major Chinese Carps “ Spawning Habitat Restoration for Yangtze River
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
14:40~15:10 Case Study 3: National Policy on Water Resources Restoration in Thailand
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thailand】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
15:10~15:40 Case Study 4: Current activities of Europe’s information exchange networks and river policies
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
【Break 15:40~15:50】
(General Discussion)
15:50~17:00 General Discussion「Urban river restoration for sustainable development」
Coordinator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of the ARRN, Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration and Information Science, Kanazawa Gakuin University, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima【Japan】, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thai】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
17:00 Closing
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Date: 2007.11.30 13:51